Çfarë është Organization Validation SSL?

Organization Validated SSL Certificates siguron konfirmim të menjëhershëm të identitetit dhe mbrojtje të fortë SSL për faqen tuaj dhe biznesin.

OV SSL është një certifikatë e vlefshme e organizatës që i jep faqes tuaj të internetit një hap drejt kredibilitetit te domaine-ve mbi certifikatat SSL të validuara

Recommended Use Cases

Login Pages

Intranet Sites


Certificate Pricing

SSL Certificate products you activate will be displayed here

Contains your Authenticated Organization Details

Certificate details indicate your website is using an Organization Validated SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status and expiration date.

Organization Validated

With an OV SSL Certificate, the identity of the company or organization that holds the certificate is validated, providing more trust for end users.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

$1.25m Warranty

OV Certificates come with a $1.25m warranty that covers data breaches caused due to a certificate flaw.

Certificate Features

Encrypt sensitive data

Secure online transactions

Prove legitimacy

Strongest & Fastest SSL

99.9% Browser Compatibility

Increase SEO rank

Issued in 1-2 Days

Free Reissues

Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.